This evening, Christian and I attended a conference where
General Primary Presidency member,
Amy A.Wright came to provide training for primary leaders,
Bishops and Branch Presidents.
That meant Christian and I got to attend this amazing training together.
It was the best.
I learned so much.
Mostly, I just felt so thankful for ongoing revelation from God,
wonderful POWERFUL women leaders, and the connection
I feel with the adorable primary children, I am blessed
to serve each week. They are the best.
Sister Wright explained that children are Christ's youngest
disciples, so our Sacrament meetings should be for them, too.
That really opened my eyes.
Often, our Sacrament meetings are geared to adults
and can be pretty boring for kids.
I think we can change this.
I'm excited to explore this.
After the meeting, I met a cousin, Lauren!!
Well, a second cousin on my Jones side.
We share the same great-grandparents, Doctor & Edna!
I love my Jones side!
Then, I was asked to give a talk in church next week.
I know just what I'm going to talk about and to
whom I am talking to!