Thursday, February 27, 2025

My Trademark


Today, I got up and made the bed.
Then I got back in the bed.
But I got up and made it, and that's what counts!
While I was in the shower, Kitty climbed onto Christian's side of the bed,
where she stayed for the next four hours.
She only lays on his side.
I think she has a crush.

I'm feeling behind with work stuff.  
It's hard to feel productive when I feel crummy,
especially since my job is to literally move my body.
And I can't do that right now.
But if anyone knows about healing and patience, it's me.
Every day, I feel better, and my leg is improving.

This afternoon, I worked on my silhouette project.
You know, I've been creating silhouettes for my family since 2006!
It's kind of my trademark.
I hadn't updated them in years!
While everyone was home last week, I was able to get a nice
profile photo of each Nie.
I'm excited to put those up on my blog banner!

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