Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dear Elder Nielson...

There I was, sitting in the kitchen getting putting the 
frosting on Jane's birthday cake
when Gigs walked up to me with a shocked face.
"I think it came..."
I knew what "it" was.
His mission call!
I had hoped and prayed that his call would come while we 
were all together, and IT DID!!
Literally hours before, Claire and Jane were
headed home on their early morning flights.
I was so excited, I couldn't contain myself.
He hadn't opened it yet, so we all waited while he went into 
another room, shut the door, and read it alone.
This is a very personal assignment from God.
It deserves to be deliberately reviewed with gratitude
and I think that's best alone.
And it's the pattern; it's just what all our kids have done.
He walked out of the room with tears streaming down his eyes.
He was shaking with a HUGE smile on his face!
"I'm so happy, Mom." 
He kept saying to me with lots of hugs.
Everyone crowded around him, asking him questions;
"Is it in the United States?...
"Is it Spanish speaking?"...
"Will you need to learn a language?"...
"Do you know anyone who lives there."...
But he kept pretty quiet because Jane and Christian were still out
watering the cows, and of course, they had to be there for the
grand reveal!!
So we went to them!
Ollie jumped on the motorcycle, I drove the car, and we found 
Christian and Jane.
Gigs opened his call right there while the cows mooed around us.
He read the whole letter addressed to "Elder Nielson."

I love that his actual assignment is the third paragraph of the letter.
The most important thing Gigs will do on his mission is to help
people come and know the Savior, Jesus Christ and make covenants
with Him that will bless them and their families.
Then he read his assignment:
The Czech/Slovak mission speaking the Slovak language.
Then we went home and had a celebration (for Jane's 22 birthday, too)
and we all looked up the photos of his mission area on our computers,
and Lottie went to work right away, making the Slovenia flag.
We also found his Mission leaders, the Evertons!

I think Gigs won the lottery!
GO, GIGS, GO!!!!!!
I declare today to be the best day ever.

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