Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sleeping Turtle

 The weather was a lovely 65 degrees today! 
After work and school,
 Lottie and I explored the pasture and the pond behind Stillestead.
We found several turtles sleeping peacefully under the pond ice
Unfortunately, it's still M.I.A.
This warmer weather is sure lovely!
But I must admit, I'm not quite done with winter and cold weather.
Christian promised me we still have some colder weather
to enjoy.  I trust that's true.
 February is usually one of NC's coldest months.
I have a giant list on my fridge in the kitchen that
has all the things we need to have done before
 Ollie comes home in 15 days.
We are a little behind schedule.
Today, however,  Christian and Gigs managed to change my cars
oil and fiddle with my tires.
Later, we all jumped in the car and drove to St. Bart's church
where Christian was able to drop off and donate some of Homestead Beef
It's a privilege for us to share the blessings God gave to us with our community.

Life is so busy right now.
I've thought back to the sleeping turtle in the pond
and sometimes, I wished that were me.

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