Saturday, December 28, 2024

He Knows You Need

Tonight, Christian and I took our beautiful daughters to serve at the temple.
Recently, I read this from a question posed about temple attendance
that was so spot on:
“Sometimes you may feel that you cannot think 
clearly, because your mind is so burdened with problems and the 
many things clamoring for attention. In the temple, the dust of these distractions 
can settle, the fog and haze can lift, and you can understand things
 that you have not understood before. 
You can find new ways to deal with the challenges you face.”

 “I promise you that the Lord will bring the miracles 
He knows you need as you make sacrifices to
 serve and worship in His temples.” 
As I was there with Claire, Jane, and Christian,
I thought about all the things each of us were navigating
in our personal lives, and how hard it would be without
peace and assurance from Christ.
I feel that peace abundantly in the temple, especially 
next to some of my very favorite people in the whole world.


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