Thursday, December 19, 2024

Future B3!

As you may know, I have been training to become a
I'm at the point in my certification journey 
where I have to teach friends and family classes 
before I can officially be certified.
So you can imagine how excited for both my girls to be home for the holidays
to "take" my classes, which I hold in the gym of our church building.
This morning, ALL of us (except for Gigs, 
who found a wheelchair at church
and wheeled himself around the building a million times) took my class.
Afterward, we went to lunch near the spot where
our future Barre3 studio sits!
Yes, you heard me!  I said FUTURE BARRE3 STUDIO!
It's official!  (Well, actually, almost official), 
We just signed the lease on our studio in a new and upcoming area.
We will begin interior construction after the Holidays.  
After lunch, we went inside and chalked out the specs for the studio.
It's going to be fabulous!

Next up: Finish certification
Then: Hold auditions for new instructors 

Go, Me, Go!
Later in the evening, after dinner, we gathered in the 
living room for games and teased Christian about being old
 because he has to hold things 500 feet away to see.
Not gonna lie; I think his readers are hot.

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