Tonight, our little branch (church congregation)
and the full-time missionaries
from several areas nearby marched in the town parade!
We hooked up a Moravian star (proudly made here in North Carolina!)
to the truck and pilled the primary kids in the back bundled up
while listening to The Tabernacle Choir's Christmas music
to the truck and pilled the primary kids in the back bundled up
while listening to The Tabernacle Choir's Christmas music
from a speaker in the truck bed.
The Moravian Star is very special here in NC- it represents God’s light
The Moravian Star is very special here in NC- it represents God’s light
and how it shines in the darkness.
(Jane wants a bunch of these hanging at her wedding dinner).

The youth and missionaries followed the truck, throwing out candy and
Christmas pass-along invitations to come to church with us.
It was one of the coldest nights we've experienced yet- 16 degrees!
Christmas pass-along invitations to come to church with us.
It was one of the coldest nights we've experienced yet- 16 degrees!
a great way to show our community who members of
The Church of Jesus Christ are.
It's us! We're not weird! We are Christian!
We love and believe in Christ!
Also, we had Buddy the Elf with us!
(2nd counselor in Stake Presidency!)
The Church of Jesus Christ are.
It's us! We're not weird! We are Christian!
We love and believe in Christ!
Also, we had Buddy the Elf with us!
(2nd counselor in Stake Presidency!)
After the parade had ended and all the kids were
picked up by their parents, the four of us went to get "dinner"
which was really just fries and shakes at Sonic.