One of my favorite Sundays of the year is the Sunday before Christmas.
I love singing in the Christmas choir, the beautiful program
focused entirely on Jesus Christ's birth,
and the one-hour service.
I also love bringing Christmas gifts to give out to my friends,
and I love the festive Christmas wear.

“Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow.
As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and
happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year.
It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more
kindness and love, more respect and concern for others.
Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence.
Because He came, we know how to reach out to those in trouble or distress,
wherever they may be.
Because He came, death has lost its sting, the grave its victory.
We will live again because He came.
Because He came and paid for our sins,
we have the opportunity to gain eternal life.”
-Thomas S. Monson