Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You Can Do It, It's Not That Bad

 Today, I took Lottie and Gigs to their yearly well-child check-ups.
Gig's last since he'll be 18 in just a month!!!  (WHAT?!)
The nurse explained that Lottie was due for an immunization 
but that Nicholas was not.
He was so relieved and excited.  He took an audible breath, 
relaxed in his chair and even helped encourage 
Lottie when it was time for the needle,
"You can do it, Lod.  It's not that bad."
Then he said to me,
"I totally could have gotten a shot if I needed to.  I wouldn't have cared."
Nicholas is a trypanophobia- fear of needles and has been since forever,
and that's easy to say when you're not the one getting the shot!

After the doctor checked out my two Nies 
(everything looks great!!  SO thankful!)
and we were ready to leave,
the nurse popped her head back inside and said, 
"Nicholas, it actually looks like you do need a 
follow-up shot to your last one.  Hang tight; I'll be back in."

The mood in the room took a turn.
And Lottie immediately went to him (in jest) and said,
"It's OK, Gigsie, you can do it.  It's not that bad."

When it was all over we went and got donuts.
We ALL deserved one.

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