Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Trained Guard

 This afternoon, I was organizing and cleaning up from
 last week when the girls left. There were many things 
they had left that needed to be organized. 
I hung up our new star in my window, adding to my collection 
of family-themed stars. The colors look beautiful!
Kitty was right under my feet the whole time.
Is that just a kitty thing, or do all adult cats do that too?
It wasn't until I gave her some tissue paper to play with that she completely
 disengaged from me and spent hours playing with it. 
She wrapped herself up and pounced on it, which was incredibly cute.
Then she disappeared.
I entered Nicholas's room and saw her beside a pillow like a trained guard.
I couldn't figure out what she was doing
until I lifted up the pillow, and one of Gig's spazzy giant lizards darted out.
I screamed, and Kitty jumped into action.
I threw the pillow back onto the lizard, and Kitty sat down calmly 
next to the pillow, patiently waiting.
I called Gigs, who was on his way home from school, and asked him
if he had any critters missing from the zoo in his room.
He was quiet for a minute, then said,
"Maybe. Why?"
Then I told him about the giant lizard that Kitty was guarding in his closet, 
and he said,
  "That's Kelly!  I'm so glad she's alive! I'm on my way home,
don't let her escape!"
I looked at Kitty and knew Kelly wouldn't be going anywhere.
Not on Kitty's watch.

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