Monday, September 16, 2024

See You Later

This morning, I woke up at 5:45 to make sure that Gigs 
was up and ready for Seminary. 
While he was getting ready, I did a Barre class before my 
7:00 alarm when Lottie wakes up, and I take her to school.

While I was in plank on the mat, Gigs walked in and said,
"Mom, did you happen to see if Candace's cage was open 
when you came to wake me up this morning?"
All I could think about was how 
I probably shouldn't have had those THREE Dr. Peppers
over the weekend because I felt weak and 
moving was proving to be super challenging.
I said in plank on the floor, looking at his shoes.
Then I remembered it was super dark
when I woke him up, and I needed my phone light
to find my way to his room.
So, no, I didn't remember because I didn't even see
 Candace's cage.
"Gigs, seriously," 
is all I could muster.
"Oh, boy.  He said as he made a beeline for the front door.
"Make sure Kitty doesn't go in my room.
See you later."

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