Thursday, September 05, 2024

Prized Pumpkin

This afternoon was spent outside in the garden.
I have this GIANT white pumpkin growing.
I've been so proud of it, and today I noticed that it was rotting!!!
I wanted to cry. 
The bottom was soft, juicy, and stinky!
I thought this would be my prized pumpkin,
my blue ribbon masterpiece!!
It was not to be.
Out of fear,  I decided to harvest all the pumpkins.
I also ripped out all my Zinnia's in the font because they got diseased,
and it spread like wildfire through a village.
It was sad having to do that, but the harvest I got is 
absolutely stunning, plus my other flower bed has tons of blossoms
still and are doing great.
AND, my Dahlia's have decided to join the party!
While I was in Utah, I asked Gigs to harvest and cut down the corn stalks
and lay them up to dry.
They are going straight to my gate as decoration.
Growing up, my mom always bought corn stalks to put on our
side gate with ribbon and a homemade scarecrow
using my brother's old clothes and shoes.
When I showed my kids a photo of the scarecrow, Ollie couldn't
believe his eyes.  Mom had used my brother's 1986 Larry Bird Converses
as the scarecrow's shoes.
"Mom, today those would sell for like hundreds, 
of dollars!  I can't believe they
sat like that in the rain and sun for years!"

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