Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 We have two cows in the pasture near the house that are our finishers,
which means they are on deck for slaughter.
They are spoiled and eat lots of corn, oats, 
along with their delicious fresh green grass.
They'll be enjoying this treatment until October, when they'll
move on to greener pastures (so to say).
Gigs' goats, Gump and Gus, happily eat right along with them.
Christian told me yesterday when he came back from
feeding the cows,
"The goats are growing on me."
Gigs is planning on selling the goats for his mission money,
so it's not a good sign if Christian is falling in love with these
two monkeys!
The truth is, they are actually super cute.

Today after school, Christian and Gigs went to minister
with the full-time missionaries.
I love that Gigs is getting these incredible experiences with the missionaries
now, since he'll be doing the same thing in about a year.

When 9:00 rolled around, Lottie and I had already
had dinner and cleaned up when they walked through the door. 
Gigs came home in a super good mood.
I thought, oh wow, he's on a service high!  I love it!
Later, when Christian and I were in bed, he told me that
he and Gigs had been looking at a motorcycle together on the way home.
And they bought it. 
 A 1974 Honda CL360.
"I thought about how cool it would be to fix it up with him,
and I couldn't help myself.  But I told him he had to do all 
the jobs and projects you've asked him to do first.
He can't lay one finger on it until you say so."

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