Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Mountains Are Calling

This morning, I helped everyone gather the stuff that they
 had packed up the night before for the 
family backpacking trip to Linville Gorge,
in the mountains, about 3 hours away.

As soon as the truck with all the gear started down the driveway, 
it was go time for me.
My to-do list is long and extensive as I prepare for our 
Back to School Feast, projects, odds and ends, preparing talks 
(upcoming speaking engagements), my job (upcoming), 
and, of course, picking up from the camping prep 
whirlwind left behind from the night before.

In cleaning mode with my game face on and music blaring
I went into Lottie's room to gather
dirty clothes and noticed two sacks on her desk. Upon closer inspection, 
I realized that the sacks contained Lottie's HIKING SHOES and CLOTHES. 
How did they not make it into her pack?!

I immediately called Christian just as they were pulling into the
parking lot to eat lunch about an hour away.
I jumped in the car and met the gang for a quick hand-off of Lottie's 
stuff, grabbed me some lunch, and made a quick stop at Bath and Body Works 
for some fall candles (I'm soo ready), then back home to proceed with my 
four-day glorious alone time.

Also, THIS:

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