Saturday, August 10, 2024

She Kept Me Up All Night Long

I made a huge mistake.
I let Kitty in for the night.
And not just in the house, in my BED!
What was I thinking?
The best part about this is that she didn't want anything
to do with me and instead snuggled up to Christian,
(who was already asleep and didn't know).
About an hour after falling asleep, I was awoken by Kitty, 
who was kneading my head with her little paws.
It would have been cute if it were 10:30, not 1:30! 
She woke me up at least 4 other times by jumping on my 
head, purring in my ear and touching my face.
I felt like I did when I'd let my babies sleep in my bed with me;
uncomfortable, on edge, and worried.
And also, with one eye open.

I finally put her outside just as the sun was coming up
vowing that I would never do that again.

Also, why does Kitty like the people who don't like her?
She snuggles up to Christian and Jane, but neither of them
wants anything to do with her.
Is she playing hard to get?
Jane is highly allergic and offended that we let Kitty in the 
house when she sneezes and itches.
Good question; why do we do that?
And why did I take the photo of Kitty snuggled up to Jane
during one of her (uncomfortable-looking) naps?
I don't know.  
I don't know.

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