Monday, August 19, 2024

My Seasons

One thing I love about August in North Carolina is the bountiful harvest. 
August yields the best flowers, fruits, and vegetables, 
and a lot is happening on our land.
In my garden, I have several good-sized pumpkins plumping up, 
with beets, corn, and an abundant supply of tomatoes. 
The Zinnia harvest has been especially delightful for me. 
The various color combinations of the Zinnias make me so happy.
Today, I took Lottie out to get school supplies. 
Did you hear me?!  I said school supplies!!!
She was pretty excited about this, and I, on the other hand
reluctantly agreed to this outing.
I am excited she's excited, but I'm also feeling bittersweet.

My life as of late is a beautiful mix of bittersweet, 
where joy balances sorrow, 
just like the changing seasons.

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