Friday, August 16, 2024

Just Hang In There, Sixteen!

Can you believe it's been sixteen years since 
Look at us; we're still hanging in there!

I LOVE THIS from Virginia Pearce Cowley:
"The indra swallowtail butterfly is one of nature’s 
most spectacular specimens. 
Laboratory scientists have carefully chronicled its life cycle. 
An egg is laid at just the right spot on the food plant. 
Within five days it hatches and grows into a 
black caterpillar with yellow-orange dots. 
When mature, the caterpillar creates its own chrysalis. 
Most emerge after two years. But some—and this is the
 interesting observation—have been known to remain in the chrysalis
 for up to seven years. Then, unexpectedly, within a few 
short hours the once-spotted caterpillar emerges as a gorgeous 
black butterfly and takes flight.
 Did this caterpillar become a 
butterfly in a few short hours or in seven years?
Observers who understand indra swallowtail growth are willing to 
patiently continue their work and give time a chance. 
Those who understand their own personal growth patiently 
continue to pray, do their daily work, and give time a chance.

The vernacular for this is “Just hang in there!”
We may not see it now, but everything we do, 
every day we live is for a purpose. 
And we have a Heavenly Father who will always be there to 
lift us up and cheer us on."

What have I learned hanging in there for the last 16 years?
I've learned to be patient with God, myself,
and with time because there is a plan for us, and it's a good one.

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. 
I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; 
and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble
 themselves before me; 
for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me,
 then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
Ether 12:27

Happy Re-Birthday, Nielson Family!

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