Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Jane's Little Cloud

 There was a little storm over Stillestead this morning
when we woke up. 
Jane has been anxiously dreading this day for the whole summer:
Moving day.
Packing up her things, saying goodbye to her siblings, leaving
beautiful North Carolina, Stillestead in particular, and
attending school.
She knows it's natural and right; it's just a bummer.
Jane has always struggled with change. She tends to see it in a negative light. 
I think this may be due to lingering PTSD from our accident as a child.
This is something she is working on.
So am I!
I hate it, too!

This change, this move, has been like a summer storm 
swirling around us for months,
 and today, it broke, and the rain came down.

She said her goodbyes to Gigs and Lottie.
Then Lottie showed Jane a few photos she had made 
 before sending her off:
It made us laugh and lightened the mood.

It's been fun playing Peter Pan this summer;
checking off the Hot Girl Summer list, 
serving, exploring, and playing some more.
And now she has to grow up. Again.

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