Friday, August 30, 2024

Jane Moves In

Early today, we moved Jane into her apartment.
She lives in a lovely area with lots of space and a laundry room
bigger than mine. 
So, she'll be just fine!
We stopped for lunch, then went to the store to get
apartment stuff, and it was going fine until it wasn't.
Emotions were flying around Target in every direction,
and Jane felt anxious about making decisions.
Do you like this print?
Do you like this fabric?
Do you want this size?
Do you like the look of this?
Do you need one of these?
Near the end of the trip, she had turned off so
 I wasn't asking her questions anymore,
I was just throwing things into the cart.
She was equally offended as she was relieved.
After, we met up with Jane's mission leaders, 
President and Sister Barcellos for ice cream.
They were in Provo, dropping their daughter off at BYU, too.
 They are the most wonderful, warm, and dear people ever.
I can see why Jane LOVED them on her mission.
During our visit, they ministered to me and Christian with spiritual guidance 
and support, sharing some incredible, faith-filled personal experiences. 
In between bites of ice cream, I listened to them share their 
unwavering confidence in the Lord and His grace.
It left me feeling truly inspired. 
I was so thankful to hear them testify of Christ and to share
their love for Jane and their confidence in her and her work on the mission.
We left our meeting incredibly grateful for this power couple
and their influence on Jane's life.
Jane has mentioned to me before that there are only a handful of people
she wants at her wedding, and the Barcellos are at the top of the list.
I can see why.
Then we said our official goodbyes in the hallway
of her apartment.
It was hard to do.
We will see her Christmas break! 
Only 93 more days!

Go, Jane, Go!!!

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