Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jane In Utah

 It was so fun returning to good 'ol Provo to drop Jane off at BYU
and seeing familiar scenes and faces!
I've been so grateful for this week and the time spent with Christian and Jane! 
It's been so fun to connect and share a hotel room with her so we can
stay up late to talk and fall asleep to a movie.
 We've gone out to eat, did some shopping for school stuff,
 had fun discussing classes and boys and making Swig runs every day!

One morning, we dropped her off on campus for orientation and 
then, we tried not to stalk her throughout the day.
But we still did a few times.
It's fun to see her in the wild.
One afternoon, Christian and I visited Sundance and drove up 
Provo Canyon, where we met up with Page and saw her
new beautiful home that is being built.
What a view she has!
We searched for Autumn colors in the mountains and were blown away
at all the changes we're seeing in Provo.
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little bit sad.
If I had it my way, Provo would stay in the 80's & 90's.

Today, after Jane's orientation, we went to the bookstore
to get Gigs his favorite BYU-famous 
chocolate-covered cinnamon bears.
We also ran into Jonah, our nephew from Arizona.
He is so adorable, and before I knew it was him, I got Jane's attention
and secretly pointed to a group of cute boys,
(who were in the distribution center getting garments, no less) 
and said to her, "Those are the boys you need to get with."
Then we realized it was Jonah!  It was so fun to see him. 
Meanwhile, back at home, things are not going great. 
Lottie has been feeling very anxious about us being away. 
She's also not happy about her new class schedule, and nighttime is 
particularly difficult for her. I was surprised to see how much 
she's struggling with us being away.
I asked my wonderful neighbor, Caroline, who lives in the next pasture over 
if Lottie could hang out with her during the day. 
Thankfully, that has helped a lot. 
It's been determined that Gigs needs to work on his compassionate side. 
But all in all, everyone is healthy and safe, and I have been
really impressed with Gigs getting himself and Lottie up for school,
making sure lunches and dinners are made.  He's a champ and deserves
every last chocolate-covered cinnamon bear!!

Then, this amazing photo popped up in 2007 of Ollie (in his car seat)
sitting next to Jimmy in a neck brace because he was attacked by some wild dogs
at the ranch in New Mexico and needed stitches.
Jane is in the middle seat smiling at me, with Gigs 
facing Jimmy in his car seat.
Gosh, I miss these simple days!

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