Sunday, August 11, 2024


 I love Sundays for so many obvious reasons;
one, because I love and need to go to church.
Two, because everyone is home,
and three, because it's generally a restful and quiet day.

Tonight, Lottie and Jane revised her school shopping list.
I am so thankful the girls are here helping Lottie
with back-to-school stuff.
Not because I can't do it but because it's more fun with sisters.
Everything is more fun with sisters.

Tonight's dinner was super chill because we had a couple
meetings (including Gig's seminary kick-off)
and I didn't have time to cook.
We made veggie burgers on the grill and air-fried some
waffle fries.
Earlier this week, I felt a tug to discuss with the Nies
about how fortunate we are to have bodies.
 Our bodies enable us to accomplish so many wonderful things, 
experience beautiful feelings, and enjoy so many things.
And all that entails.
I know Claire and Jane are grown, and although this conversation
 was a bit awkward, it turned out to be a beautiful discussion
 about the importance of strengthening and respecting our bodies,
and other's bodies, too.
Especially online.
My favorite line in the For the Strength of Youth guide is:
"In your choices about what you do, look at, read, listen to, 
think about, post, or text, avoid anything that purposely 
arouses lustful emotions in others or yourself."

I just want my children to be smart and safe, and I am 
so thankful for a living prophet who has given the youth standards
directly from God to protect and keep them safe.
I don't want my kids to follow these standards strictly out
of obedience, but because they want to follow Christ and
His words, His life, and His example.
When we follow Christ out of love, we
 naturally want to be obedient to His words and commandments.
That's why these conversations are so good to have together.

"This guide will help you build a solid foundation for making choices 
to stay on the covenant path. It will help you prepare to make 
sacred covenants in the temple, prepare to serve a mission, 
and find joy in following Jesus Christ throughout your life. 
We hope you feel that you belong in the Savior’s Church 
and have power from Him to fulfill His purposes for you."

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