Thursday, August 15, 2024

Can You Spot Kit?

Today, I found Kitty napping on Lottie's bed.
Can you spot Kit?
I'm doing great alone while my family is backpacking in the mountains.
I'm getting tons done. (Like blogging!)
Sadly, we lost another chicken this afternoon.
I think it was a Hawk this time.
I heard the squawks, ran outside in Gigs's size 100 Crocs
while nearly tripping over Angus on the porch
only to find a pile of feathers on the lawn.
We're down to 2 1/2 hens, Muppet, Cindy, the White One,
 (I say 1/2 because Cindy is pre-menopause and
is not a consistent layer), and one rooster, Donny.
Good thing we have a flock of chickens in the wings
including 4 frizzles!

Last week, Lottie dog sat for our neighbor's dog, Jack, 
 and made herself an easy $400 bucks!
(I think they were ultra, ultra generous!)
One of the things she wanted to spend her money on was
a dinosaur fleece onesie.
I don't know why other than to say she's 12.
But, it does suit her.
She wears it around the house and is in the running
for her 2024 Halloween costume.

Speaking of Lottie, she has been off her 
anti-seizure medication for 10 days now. 
No recurrence or problems! We're so grateful!


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