Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Baptisms, Brothers, and Babbs

This morning, Gigs and Lottie met with their youth group 
and served at the temple, doing baptisms for deceased family members.
Afterward, the group had planned on swimming and lunch,
but Hurricane Debby made landfall, so they canceled
the after-temple events.

Instead, Gigs took Lottie, and the two of them grabbed lunch together, 
then made it home just in time for a crazy downpour.
 That plan was better anyway. 
I love the two of them together. It makes me happy.

I was thinking back to when I was younger and having
one-on-one time with each of my five brothers,
and I love that I have memories with each of them.
Mostly Jesse since he and I went to school together.
I see a connection between Gigs and Lottie that reminds me of my 
relationship with Jesse all those years ago.
 I adored Jesse and craved his attention, just as Lottie does with Gigs. 
Jesse was and still is a wonderful brother, and we still have a
good relationship.

Even though he used to call me "Stephen" because of my 
short hair when we were growing up.
Now he just calls me "Babbs".

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