Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Back To School Feast 2024: Publish Peace

Introducing the Nielson 2024-2025 Family Theme:

As Nielson's, we strive for peace in everything we do.
It's in the way we talk, our actions, the way we publish or post
on social media, and the way we share our lives; 
It's how we love and, most importantly, how we honor the Savior.
With our crowns adorning our heads, we basked in the joy
 of good company, delicious food, and our amazing new theme.
This year, I found inspiration in the classic, humble pencil.
Using the pencil colors, I created my artistic vision for this year's feast.
 I gave everyone a "revelation pen" and pad of paper
to use for nighttime reflections and inspiration.
I took inspiration from Jane, who used a pen that glowed in the
 dark on her mission to jot down her nighttime inspiration.

Lottie 7th grade:

Nicholas 12th grade:

Jane BYU:

Claire SVU:

The Menu:
Crispy Harissa-Lime Salmon with Brown Rice
Fennel Melon and Blueberry Salad with Mint and Honey
Corn Plum Salad with Arugula and Rose Balsamic Dressing
On the grill, fresh Peaches (from South Carolina) with 
Grilled Brie and 
Homemade Sourdough Bread for dipping
with an assortment of Jams
Homemade Butterscotch Pudding
with my famous Chocolate Cake (with Pero Frosting)

This year's stars are my favorite yet!
Piggy&Dirt custom-made pencil stars for us as a reminder
to "publish peace" this year and for always.
The radiating pencils theme star was the most beautiful star I've ever seen.
I also gifted my girls (and me!) with cute pencil-shaped rings,
and for the boys, tie clips shaped like a pen.
(Which turned out super tacky. I told Gigs to turn them
into a keychain).
Then we had a little farewell party for Jane and Claire.
I got them each an electric kettle so they can make
 tea in their apartments on those cold days when they are especially homesick.
Tea is the cure for anything.  Especially homesickness.
Just ask Ollie, who frequently makes ginger tea with his companions.
And, of course, a Hygge candle for their bedroom window.
(Battery operated, of course!)
Everyone should have a Hygge candle somewhere in a window!
Lottie spent weeks making Claire and Jane crocheted hanging plants.
They were the cutest things I've ever seen!
The girls were so happy!

While the Nies were on their camping trip, 
I prepared for the important family holiday by 
crafting coffee filter flowers for the centerpiece.
I think they turned out beautiful.
Visions of weddings, Easter, and even Christmas popped in my 
head with this new craft.
I have big plans now.

How will YOU Publish Peace?
-Mosiah 27:37
(The Book of Mormon)

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