Sunday, August 04, 2024

4:00 Monkey Bread

 Our favorite neighbors have a beach house in the Outer Banks, 
where they frequent in the summer.
On their recent beach trip, they brought us home three pounds
of delicious fresh shrimp.
The best idea I had for it was to ask Claire to make
She learned to make this while on her mission in Brazil. 
Using fresh shrimp really elevated the dish; it was absolutely delicious.
So, after church, she got started on it and 
after dinner, Lottie decided to make cream cheese strawberry cookies
that she had been itching to create since
 finding the recipe on Pinterest. 
While she was measuring and mixing, we were cleaning up after dinner. 
The cookies came out of the oven and tasted delicious, 
even though she forgot to add a stick of butter to them.
Around 11:30, as we finished cleaning up the cookie mess, 
 Gigs had the bright idea to make monkey bread. 
Yes, at 11:30. 
I told him not to, but when Gigs gets an idea about something, 
there is literally nothing anyone can do to stop him.

I reviewed the steps for making monkey bread, including the hours
 needed for the dough to rise while attempting to dissuade him, 
but he wasn't phased.
The monkey bread was in motion.
He got out the ingredients, including the dough scale
and began baking away.
I went to bed.
Around 4:00, he came into my room, woke me up, and asked me to 
taste his creations.
I don't even remember eating it.
But Gigs said I said it was "a banger."
When I woke up at 7:30, I found him on the couch, fully clothed,
passed out next to Angus, who was probably at his
side throughout the whole night.
 The kitchen was messy, and
his monkey bread was still in the pan.

Even though I complained about him making the bread, 
it turned out delicious, and I was really impressed.
For breakfast, we enjoyed monkey bread AND
 strawberry cheesecake cookies.

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