Monday, August 12, 2024


Today, Nicholas took his Senior photos at school.
I made him practice a few poses and smiles
before he left.
He's such a goof.
But such a cute goof.
And funny.
Soooo funny!
He left the house to school in an outfit that every boy had in
1999.  This year, he bought everything
from eBay or second-hand stores for school clothes 
because he loves the legit 90s look.
And it suits him.
I'm trying to convince him to cut his hair the 
way it was when he was two years old:
(Who's with me??)
(Isn't he sooo cute?  Christian, too!)

Today was Claire's last day in the ER.
Hopefully, she can find another job in the hospital
while in Virginia at school.
Fingers crossed!

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