Saturday, July 13, 2024

Weird Things

It was an early morning for us this Saturday, 
we went to the local Farmer's Market
where Gigs and Lottie (he begged her to join him) were
selling goat cheese.
It was cute watching them interact with customers, especially
Lottie, who was handing our goat cheese gelato samples.
I found some really cool cut amaranth branches 
and bought them for my church bouquet tomorrow.
When we got home, I felt really achy and sick.
My throat hurt, and all I wanted to do was lie down.
So I did.
I watched all the Christmas and Halloween episodes of 
Full House and The Wonder Years.
The 80's and 90's holiday anything is so unlike anything today.
It makes me feel so nostalgic!
Only sick in-bed people do weird things like that.
Then the day got even weirder when I saw on my phone
that Trump had been shot!
The Nies and I crowded around my bed and watched the news 
until late in the night.
I think this moment in history is significant, regardless of your 
political stance.

I might not be able to go to church tomorrow. 
My throat is burning, and I've officially lost my voice!!
It's so sad because Gigs, Claire, and Jane are all speaking!!!!

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