Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thoughts On Christ

This photo is such a classic!
It looks so cozy.
It's Jane, snug as a bug in a rug (with her curl protector cap on).

This is what I did most of the day 
(though it was NOT as comfy looking as Jane),
and tried to sleep off the sickies.

Meanwhile, Claire, Jane, and Gigs spoke in church.
I asked them to each send me a copy of their talk so
I could at least read it.
Here are some of my favorite bits on the topic of 
becoming a disciple of Christ:

"I testify that Jesus lives.  He loves us; He knows us.
It is our special charge to share His light with others in
all that we do and all that we say.
I love the Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am grateful to Him for His life
and His example, and for His very real and very powerful Atonement for me
and for you."

"This past week, Claire and I were visiting our friend Annie
whose family has a summer home in Maine.
Late one night, Claire and I were driving and saw some
low-hanging clouds in the pitch black sky that were glowing bright white!
They looked like ghosts.
We figured they must have been reflecting another light source in the sky,
the moon or the sun, we didn't know.
I can reflect the faith I have in Jesus Christ into the environment around me
by sharing my testimony, word, and deed.
I echo the words of Paul when he "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."
I testify that Jesus Christ is the way.  The only way to eternal life,
 to fulfillment, and to complete joy."

"Regular prayer helps me align with God and His will.
By seeking His guidance, my actions and words reflect
His teachings as a disciple of Christ.
I've found that beginning and ending my day with prayer has
a huge impact on my mood and my actions."

I love my kids so much!


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