Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Off To Camp

This morning, I took Lottie to her Girls Camp drop-off. 
She was feeling both nervous and excited. 
I remember my first girls' camp experience. 
I was super nervous to be away from my mom, and it
 didn't help that the bus driver taking us to our campsite
 kicked me off the bus because he thought I was a boy. 
That legit happened.

I think she'll be fine, especially since Christian will 
be there the whole week with her. That made her a little
 less nervous about saying goodbye to me.
I dropped her off, and immediately, her friends greeted her
and gathered around her. 
We packed some delicious treats for her to share, 
as well as her pillow and a blanket for the long ride 
out of town and to the mountains.
She is creating so many beautiful memories, and this is
such an epic rite of passage for 12-year-old girls!
Christian left early because he took the 
truck and trailer with all the camping gear.
He headed out ahead to set up the tents and prepare the campsite 
for the girl's arrival. 
I will miss that guy!
Later, I met up with Claire and Jane, who were at our storage unit
going through their stuff and preparing for
 their big move to Utah next month.

It was only like 300 degrees.

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