Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hottest Day On Record

This afternoon, I got a text from our neighbors who live in the nearby pasture, 
and told me that he saw a cow down. I immediately got on the
 motorcycle, drove to the pasture, where the cows
were grazing, and saw TWO cows down.
 One cow was dead, and the other was panting on her side. 
It's NOT GOOD if a cow is on her side, especially if it's 
100 degrees outside AND 9 months pregnant.
I hurried back home and spent an hour filling up water tanks, but before 
heading back to the pasture, I knelt down with Claire and Jane 
and we prayed for guidance and comfort. 
I quickly returned with the girls, and we sprayed 
the mama down with water, hoping to cool her down.
We tried to hydrate her with the calf bottle, but nothing worked.
Our good neighbors, Bruce and Caroline,
 came out to help in our life-saving mama efforts.
(Of course, this stuff happens with Christian gone!)
And Gigs came out to help when he got home from work, 
and we stayed out in the fields until midnight doing everything 
we could think of to get that mama up.
With ALL six of us on one side of her, we tried to help her 
roll over on her tummy and up.
She wouldn't budge.
 I was exhausted- we all were exhausted,
and Mama was super exhausted.

We did our best.
Ultimately, we lost 4 cows (2 bred mamas) today.
So sad.
This is farm life.

And I learned that today was the hottest day 
in our county on record.

As I rested my weary head on my pillow, 
and feeling a little lonely without Christian, 
I sensed a swell of pride within me, knowing that 
I had summoned my inner pioneer spirit today.
Christian would have been proud, and so would my dad.

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