Monday, July 15, 2024

A Mile Before He Gets Home

 Today was busy as we prepared for Lottie's first Girls Camp experience. 
We gathered the camping gear, checked off her packing list
including her sleeping bag, fishing gear, headlamp, 
and clothes for the next week.
Lucky for Lod, Christian is going, too!
He was asked to go and support the girls and drive the trailer
with all the gear, help set up, etc.
He's the best.

We went to the shoe store to get Lottie some new boots; 
now, I know you should never take new boots camping,
especially if hiking is involved, but we had no choice.
It turns out that Lottie's boots were too small.
So the girls pilled in the car, and off we went to the shoe store
to find some new camping/hiking shoes for Lottie.
We also, of course, grabbed dinner, and of course, the girls
fell asleep on the way home.
They always do that.
When we arrived home, Gigs had just come back from work 
and offered to take me and Christian for a spin in his old BMW. 
Actually, he really wanted me and Christian to drive it.
So we both did.
It was a real treat, especially since it has no muffler.
Well, at least I know he's home about a mile before he gets home!

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