Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Trial Run

 This afternoon, Gigs pulled up to the house and carried two baby goats
 from the car—goats he has been obsessing over since they were born weeks ago.
When I came outside to greet him with the baby goats in his arms,
 he assured me that this was just a trial run—just to see if the goats 
would be happy here, and for me to
 "soften up" on the idea of "maybe keeping them."
I don't care if we have goats, we already have everything else, 
but I don't want to look out my window
 and see a goat who looks lonely, sad, or bored.  
I can't do that.  I will go mad from extreme guilt.
Gigs assured me I wouldn't feel this way, especially
 since he hopes to bring home and keep both goats.
At first, we planned to get only one goat, 
but it turned out that one goat wasn't enough. 
So, MAYBE we'll be keeping
Gump (named for his odd behavior) 
and Ricky (named after Gigs's favorite movie "Hunt for the Wilderpeople").
They're not ready to be away from the clan yet, but soon.
They frolicked around Stillestead and were absolutely adorable.
I even (and I can't believe I did this!!) 
let them INSIDE the house for a minute.
But my favorite part is seeing Gigs light up when he's playing and caring 
for them.  They genuinely make him deeply happy.

We planted our grapes!  I am so excited for Stillestead to have a little
vineyard!  Making grape juice was a favorite pastime when we lived

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