Happy Easter!
To me, the most beautiful part of Easter Sunday is in the hymns
we sing at church, which celebrates the glory of Christ's resurrection and renewal.
Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, reply, Alleluia!
During Holy Week, Christian and I tried to make everything
we did Christ-centered.
We read Easter scriptures and stories as a family to honor
the Savior and His Ressurction.
After studying Elder Stevenson's talk, The Greatest Easter Story Ever Told,
we, too, wanted to celebrate Easter like we do Christmas with
anticipation and preparation, and create new family traditions
that we can build up and look forward to.
Each year, we hope, will be better than the last!
"Perhaps the question we have asked ourselves is one we could all contemplate:
How do we model the teaching and celebration of the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Easter story,
with the same balance, fulness, and rich religious tradition
of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christmas story?
It seems we are all trying. I observe a growing effort among
Latter-day Saints toward a more Christ-centered Easter.
This includes a greater and more thoughtful recognition of
Palm Sunday and Good Friday as practiced by some of our
Christian cousins. We might also adopt appropriate
Christ-centered Easter traditions found in the cultures
and practices of countries worldwide."
(Gigs was feeling under the weather but was good enough
to take a few after-church Easter photos with us).
We also got a phone call from Elder Oliver Nielson in Brazil!
We talked to him while we made dinner.
I could tell that he was a little homesick.
I can't tell you how much I miss him!!!!!
Next Easter, he'll be home!
That's the best news ever!

-Easter dinner-
Jane's Bunny Rolls
Bake Brie Pasty for dipping
Scalloped Cheese Potatoes
Roasted Asparagus
Baked Salmon with Avocado, Feta & Herb salsa
Green Salad with Radishes, Dried Cranberries & Pistachios
Fruit Salad with Lemon Curd Cream
Lemon Meringue Cheesecake
Banana Cream Pie (which tasted like
scrambled egg pie since I overcooked the eggs in the cream. Bummer!)
Gigs managed to get a shirt on for our dinner and smile for some
photos. Poor Gigs, FEEL BETTER!
Brane had a wonderful Easter, too!
He's made this beautiful holiday extra special for our family.
Claire and I painted egg cartons in three shades
of yellow to create little flowers, which we added to the
table flower arrangements of purple tulips and backyard Dogwood branches.
They turned out super cute.
"O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, where is thy victory?
Addiction, where is thy grip?
Despair, where is your grasp?
Self-doubt, your chains can't hold me.
The past, you have no power over me.
Sin, you are swallowed up in Christ.
Jesus rose from the dead, because of Him
You can rise above anything..."
I love Him so much!