Thursday, February 01, 2024

Sweet Breath of January (in February)

 Happy February! 
This afternoon, I took down my winter paper snowflakes, 
stuffed them in the fireplace to burn later.
It's all part of my purging process, a way of letting go of 
the old and embracing the new
as I welcome new months and seasons.
Fire does that.
I replaced them with glittery pink and red hearts that hang down from
the fireplace, then put my crayon wax hearts on the front door.
It was so lovely outside that I left the door open and
  Cindy and Donny came to say hello, and I caught the magnificent
Sweet Breath Of Spring waft in my house.
This plant has several adorable names like 
January Jasmine and Winter Honeysuckle,
but I like Sweet Breath Of January the best, even though it's considered
an invasive plant here in North Carolina.
It's the most incredible smell.
Similar to the Orange blossoms in Arizona.

My ear is slowly healing!
I still have some stitches on my grafts, and it's still bandaged up, 
but it's starting to itch, and since I'm basically a walking skin graft,
I know itching means healing.

Today, I thank the Lord for healing, the sun (and the Son), 
sweet smells, and a new month of promise and hope.  
I'm so thankful for hope!

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