Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Girls Are Back!

The girls (counting me!) are back, and we're having the best time together! 
We're laughing, staying up late, sharing memes, and doing LOTS of talking.
We're reminiscing, sharing funny photos, and 
hearing stories about Jane's life in Portugal.
We run errands together and do barre together, and I adore listening
to them gab away in Portuguese!
We've created a nice little schedule which includes breakfast with Lod,
(Gigs is long gone since he goes to seminary at 6:20. Good boy, Gigs!)
then drop her off at school and head into Chapel Hill to take our Barre class.
Claire is able to join us most days because she works
the 11-11 full-time shift as a nurse tech in Raleigh.
Jane is looking for a job until August when both girls 
move to Provo to attend BYU.
I'm giddy thinking about them living together in an apartment.
They will have so much fun, meet friends, date boys, 
and experience so much together.  I wish I could go.
Jane is slowly getting back into the real world.
She's job hunting, getting reacquainted with her phone 
(texts, memes, all the socials)
while reorganizing her life and stuff.
(18 months' worth of missed messages/e-mails.)

Tonight, for dinner, I made sourdough bread, 
and we cut up fruit and cheese and popped
open the sardines Jane brought home from Portugal.
Sardines are the thing in Portugal.

Honestly, Christian was the only one who actually ate them.

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