Sunday, January 28, 2024


 This morning, I woke up to find a certain redhead in my bed.  
She looked pretty comfy and happy.
The best sleep she's had over a year! (Literally).
After church today, Jane broke down while Gigs made
burritos in the kitchen. She shared with us that 
she missed being busy and productive- especially on Sundays.
Claire, who knows exactly the feeling, held her in the kitchen while she cried.
I was crying from the couch, watching the sweet scene unfold.
Claire gave her such good advice about how things would normalize 
and told her never to stop being a missionary; 
she would soon find her purpose and herself again. 
Jane took that advice right away and attended the 
branch correlation meeting, along with full-time missionaries
and Christian (who is the best missionary I know!).
She offered amazing advice and gave ideas about what worked in her mission.
She's planning on helping out with the English class each Tuesday evening
and setting up times to serve alongside the missionaries.
GO, Jane, GO!
It's no secret our family loves to share Jesus with everyone!
It's our greatest joy!

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