Lottie and I always manage to convince Christian to play with us,
sometimes, we have to barter with Gigs to join in, but we always have to
beg Claire to play as she's not a big fan of Uno.
But it's so much more fun with her playing!
She always has "more important" things to do, but what on
earth could be more important than playing Uno with us?
She's busy getting her ducks in line with school and work
for the next chapter of her life story.
But for now, she's really enjoying the slower pace of life
here at Stillestead, and I say, ENJOY it as long as you can.
In between turns, I worked on my primary lesson: we're learning
about the Light of Christ and how its influence makes all good happen.
The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that
proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things.
The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them
to receive the Holy Ghost. One manifestation of the
Light of Christ is what we call a conscience.
I love that God, the giver of good gifts, and gives
life and light to ALL THINGS!