Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Snoozing After School

 Today, I picked up Gigs and Lottie from school, and once they got in the
warm car and settled in for the 30-minute commute,
 they both fell right to sleep. 
This is common.
The day starts early for all of us 
(especially Gigs, who gets up for seminary at 5:30).
Sometimes, when I pull up to the house, I sit in the driveway
and let my passengers snooze for a few minutes in the car.
If I let them sleep for too long, they wake up feeling grumpy. 
Also, everything feels late since it gets dark early (which I don't mind).

Later, in the living room, we played card games.
Lottie's favorite game is called "Taco Cat Cheese Pizza," 
probably because I always lose, and it goes on FOREVER.
We played our family memory game and about 50 rounds
of Uno.  I'm actually pretty good at Uno.

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