Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Preach It!


Last June, when the updated Preach My Gospel 
came out, my family decided to read it before the first day of school
last month.  Well, we didn't quite make our deadline goal, 
but we did finish it last night!
We even passed Lottie's microphone around as we each took our
turns reading our assigned paragraphs.
That made this accomplishment even more epic.

I LOVE this manual!
It is full of inspiring teachings and instructions and has
motivated my family to want to share with our friends about
 Jesus Christ and His church, and His divine presence in our lives.
We fully embrace our role as missionaries, 
regardless of whether we have official name tags on or not.

I also LOVED reading the same manual that my missionaries, 
Jane and Oliver are studying every day!!
It helped me feel close 
and connected to them and the work they are doing.

I really miss them... and now I am going to cry.
 It was so great to see how much our family's reading inspired 
Nicholas for full-time missionary service when he turns 18.
He always wanted to serve, but reading together as a family seemed
 to ignite something inside him, and it's been super cool to be a part of that.

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