Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oldies but Goodies

On May 12th, 2003, me, Lucy, my mom, my girls, 
Claire, 18 months, and Jane, 3 months, drove 
up the street from our home in Provo to witness
the Angel Moroni being placed on the Provo, Utah Temple
since it never had one when it was initially built in the 60s.
I don't remember there being any fanfare or announcements about it.
If you lived close to the temple, then lucky for you, you got
to see it. And we did feel lucky.
This is the temple I got married in, sans Moroni.
This Fall, the temple will be reconstructed
with a completely different look.
I have mixed feelings about it.
Lucy and I happened to be wearing the same wrap-around
skirts we both got at J.Crew the summer before.
I still dream about that skirt. It was magical in every way.

October 21st, 2000, Christian and I were just newly engaged, 
and he went on the annual Clark family deer hunt with all the boys.
He slept next to my older brothers, Jesse and Andrew,
in my sleeping bag (I sprayed my perfume inside before he left. Awww).
I love this photo:

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