Friday, August 11, 2023


This afternoon the three musketeers jumped on our motorcycles 
and drove to our monthly genealogy class with other friends 
in our church branch congregation.
Lottie will begin attending and serving in the temple next year
 and we wanted to help her learn about some
of her amazing ancestors and read stories about them so she can connect 
her service to them, which is a big part of what the temple is all about.
We set her up her own account on and discovered
 that she is the 9th cousin, twice removed from the Princess of Wales,
along with Emily Dickinson, Walt Disney, and Abraham Lincoln.
That was really fun to read,
but it's even more meaningful to connect with our grandparents
 who have lived steady and consistent lives following the Savior
and turning their lives over to Him and His service.

I feel so thankful to be from such an incredible heritage.
So many wonderful people sacrificing and living to keep
families connected.


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