Monday, August 21, 2023

Cancel The Computer Culture

We braved Target this afternoon and, together with the whole county,
got school supplies for Gigs and Lottie.
It's strange only having two children to shop for.
The cart is a little less full, and it's not as fun, AND
no one got a fun pencil box, gluesticks, or markers.
What kind of school shopping is that?

Lottie got big girl supplies since she's a big Middle Schooler,
and Gigs, the rising Junior, only got one notebook and a couple of pens.
I blame our obsessiveness on the computer.
They use the computer for EVERYTHING!
It's overkill.
Yesterday, Gigs wrote a letter to his Grandpa in Arizona 
and it looked like a 1st grader's handwriting.
I blame the computer.
Can anyone see Gigs's legs??

...Oh, they're just camouflaged!

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