Friday, July 14, 2023

Summer Stillestead Report:

A Summer report from Stilletead:
Lottie and I painted more today, while watching Indiana Jones 
(The Last favorite one!), played with the chickens,
we worked on the hytte by adding a light and fan inside so they don't die of
heat and a light so they'll lay eggs in the winter.
We also checked on the mama cows, 
watered my ginormous hanging fern plants,
and put our new solar firefly lights
smack-dab in the middle of two of our biggest hydrangea plants.
They look magical.
When I ordered them, Lottie told me I was old 
because only old people apparently buy solar lights 
(Dad, I'm looking at you!).
Then we ate dinner on the porch, and we lit sparklers.
These slow summer days are THE BEST!

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