Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Lessons Learned from My Hens

All I Need To Know In Life I Learned From My Hens

Wake up early, stay busy, rest when you need to, but always stay alert.
Visit your favorite places each day.
Scratch out a living.
Routine is good.
Plump is good.
Accept the pecking order and know your enemies.
Weed your garden.
Protect your children fiercely - sit on them if you need to.
Take them for walks, show them the little things and talk constantly.
Make a nice nest. Share it with friends.
Brag on your accomplishments.
Don't count your chicks before they hatch.
Protect your nest egg.
Test your wings once in a while.
Squawk when necessary.
As you age, demand respect.
Leave a little something for those who care about you.
Chase butterflies

Thank you, this website, for this gem poem.

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