Saturday, June 24, 2023

Fly Control

 Chicken Hytte is officially completed! 
Christian put on the wheels to make it mobile, and it's awesome!
It kind of looks like a catapult in medieval times.
I am really excited that it's a mobile coop because the chicks
(who are maturing very quickly now) poop on my porch, and 
it's gross, so now we can move it elsewhere on the property.
Watching Christian make this project
these last few weeks has been so satisfying
and, I think, therapeutic for him.
He loves to use his hands and is 
really a creative person, highly skilled and talented.
He just doesn't have much time for things like this.
Once the chicks are old enough, we'll move the Hytte out in
the pastures with cows to help with fly control.
(They eat the fly larva in the cow manure).

Still waiting on more cow babies.....
Turns out, our calculations seem to be a little off.

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