Sunday, March 19, 2023

Oliver in Brazil: March 2023

From Ollie:
"Olá, tudo bem?
I've felt nothing but joy, excitement, and ambition ever since
 I got here at the CTM.
 Less than a week left here, and I could not be more excited to leave. 
I love it here, and I've been really enjoying myself.
I've got a rad companion, an amazing district, and the best teachers, 
but I'm anxious to get out in the real world.
Portuguese is hard, as is all languages, but being fully 
immersed with Brazilian elders, sisters, teachers, faculty, staff, 
the presidency-everyone makes learning it so much easier and more effective. 
Our last week here is only português. 
We're not allowed to speak English, even to our fellow companions, 
district members, and missionaries. It's been tough, but oh well, 
I couldn't be happier to be at the Brazil CTM. 
Carbs, carbs, carbs. The food is actually not bad here at the CTM. 
Although it's the same thing every single day (I'm going crazy), 
We've gotten creative, making new variations. 
I'd say my favorite thing here is either pão de queijo or Guarana. 
We all drink Guarana like we breathe air. It's nuts.
My companion and our district are the best. We get along so well. 
We have the best time learning and teaching together.
We've met so many good people, 
including missionaries from Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, etc...they
 obviously only speak Spanish, but português and 
Spanish have been close enough to play sports, games, and team-teach together. 
I've had so many spiritual experiences while here. 
Going to two different temples,
 giving blessings to fellow elders and sisters, teaching, watching conferences, etc...
But what always keeps me centered, focused, organized, 
and in tune with the spirit is...
1. Jesus is the answer to everything
2. "Be still" stop and listen to the spirit often.
3. The Book of Mormon is a powerful tool,
combined with the spirit, the best tool to teach and touch hearts. 
Reading the Book of Mormon, writing in my journal, 
and my teachers make me happy. 
I love the people here, my teachers and friends. 
It's gonna be rough to leave, but ready."

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