Tonight we celebrated Oliver and graduating high school (early!).
to honor him and his accomplishments in high school, like FFA
and the president of the motocross club!
So, I told him we would eat at 5:30, and then he reminded me that he
planned to ride motorcycles with his buddies at the track around noon.
I reminded him of our dinner plans again, and he assured me he'd be back.
I dropped him off and went home to set the table and make
5:00 rolled around, and no Ollie
I called him just to remind him.
Then at 5:30, he said he was running late and pushed dinner back to 6.
6:00 came and went, and I called/texted him.
No response.
Then I got a text saying his buddies were loading up everything,
and he'd be home around 6:30.
As you may have guessed, 6:30 came and went, and no Ollie
and this time, his phone had died.
I put on his graduation gown and served dinner without him.
Around 8:30, he came inside and rushed over to hug me.
Honestly, I was just glad he was alive!
Then we sat around the table (he was still in his dirty clothes)
and watched him eat since we had all long since eaten,
then presented him with his "big boy" tool kit as a graduation gift.
I passed around the 7-layer bars, and we drank Coke from glass bottles,
(his favorite), and talked about what his future holds.
By this time, I wasn't mad anymore, just glad we were all together
especially with Claire!
Christian told him that he owed me for being late and essentially
delaying his graduation dinner (we didn't even dress up!).
Then he said,
"Yeah, totally, mom! What can I do for you?"
Without hesitation, I told him I wanted him to pose for me in his
graduation cap and gown tomorrow afternoon for photos.
He agreed, and when tomorrow came, I reminded him of his promise,
he complained but still did it and hated every minute.
"Mom, you're too close to me; step back."
"Mom, are you using the 0.5 settings?"
"Mom, it's not funny."
"Mom, why do you have to put your thumbs right there?"
"Mom, stop. I'm done."
Then I was like,
"Well, you should have thought of that last night when you were
THREE hours late to your own party!"
Congratulations, Ollie! We're so excited for you, your life,
and your new adventures waiting to be discovered!
He and Claire had been asked to teach Nicholas's early morning seminary class
the following day and they stayed up WAY too late, eating
more 7-layer bars and laughing together.
I love my good kids!

Indian charcuterie board
with two types of sauces, one orange sauce with Indian cheese and
yellow coconut sauce with peas and potatoes.
Jasmine rice and spicy dips for dipping, and best of all, homemade naan.
And, of course, the 7-layer bars. YUM!