Friday, January 20, 2023

Packed it in.

 The weather is so lovely and warm, and 
the restaurants are ENDLESS!
Every corner and street has a delicious place to eat; it's so much fun!
I really, REALLY miss good restaurants; Chapel Hill has
some work to do!

Christian, Oliver, Claire, and I visited the Mesa temple tonight.
I especially loved the newly renovated temple; it's so
gorgeous inside. Serving in the temple with my children is the most
rewarding experience. 
"I am satisfied that every man or woman who goes to the 
temple in a spirit of sincerity and faith leaves the house of the 
Lord, a better man or woman. There is a need for constant improvement in 
all of our lives. There is a need occasionally to leave the noise 
and the tumult of the world and step within the walls 
of a sacred house of God to feel His spirit in an environment of holiness and peace."
-President Gordon B. Hinckley 
After the temple, we met up with everyone else for dinner.
They had just come back from Riggs's 
flag football game. Every time we're together, I take photos of 
Lottie and Riggs, because, well, you know.
They are so cute!
I don't think they'll be as willing to take these photos in the next
few years as they get older, but I'll sure as heck try!
Tomorrow afternoon we're leaving and headed back to NC.
Christian and Oliver gave Claire a blessing of
encouragement and for her to feel God's love for her,
especially as she begins her new life here in Arizona!  
And, how cool that Ollie can assist Christian
with this very important and sacred opportunity.
What a beautiful, spiritual, enlightening day!
We packed in as much fun as we possibly could.

Ollie took a photo of my hair.
I am posting it because I want my posterity to know I've NEVER
colored/dyed my hair, and I'm 41 with NO GRAYS.
See, kids, this is what you have to look forward to! Yay!

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