Today we (I really mean Christian) installed our new front door.
Wahooo!,, It makes everything look brighter and better!
Things are slowly coming together here at Stillestead.
Once again, I MUST reiterate how thankful I am for a good, sturdy,
handsome, and skillful husband who can pretty much do
anything and everything!
Next up: make a fireplace cover.
Since it's September (but it still feels like August), it's time to
start thinking about the cooler weather, and I need a fireplace screen.
I'm not excited about any of the ones we've seen to buy.
They're either too clunky, cheesy, or look like they're straight out of the 90s.
So, of course, I told Christian what I wished we could find, and of
course, he spent hours designing one that he'll build. Someday.
Add that to the list, honey!
Happy September!