It seems like hardships have been plentiful for our family
recently, but I suspect every family could say the same.
No one is exempt from hardship and trials.
I found so much strength and courage from a talk given by
President Henry B. Eyering, in the most recent April General Conference
called, Steady in the Storms.
Particularly this bit:
"In fact, the prayer that works is "I want only what You
want. Just tell me what it is. I'll do it."
How many times have I said that to God.
But did I really mean it?
Do I have enough faith to actually accept what He has for me?
If I truly and honestly answer that question, I don't know.
Some days it's a loud and confident YES.
And some days, I am hesitant.
I believe in the power of prayer and that the Savior
hears my pleas and cries. I know our prayers are answered. Always.
And I am learning to be patient and find the joy and the abundant blessings
I have now and the blessings I receive
while I wait and learn and grow.
I am so thankful that He is so patient with me.
I printed this off, and it's near my bed where I say my daily prayers
so I will remember to trust in the Lord and pray for what He
wants for ME to do and for ME to be.